Sunday, July 15, 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

Today marks 8 months that I have been out. An update on my personal items: I have had companions that have been on their third pair of shoes by 8 months, and I’m still on my first pair, so these shoes are amazing! I'm doing alright with the sheets thing. The guy on the plane let me steal one of those thin blankets on the airplanes, so when it gets real cold at night I use that and it's all good. But like I still sleep with a fan. So if it gets colder than that, I’ll just turn off the fan and I’ll be fine. It won't get cold enough for me to need more.

We don't get dinners we get lunches from the members. Yesterday we had a carrot soufflé from a member, the usual rice and beans, and chicken with cheese and marinara baked in the oven. It was real good. All the other days are starting to melt together and I can't remember too good our lunches and stuff. Just know that I haven't had to use plastic bags in my pockets yet ;). So the lunches have been real good.

Our mission is really focusing on baptizing families. President Lima really wants a temple announced for Rio while he is here, and families are the best way to do this by creating real growth in the church here. Pray that I will be able to find and baptize families, complete families in which not all family members are baptized, and reactivate families who have fallen away. Also, it's amazing for our investigators and numbers when we have members in the lessons. I know that from firsthand experience ;).

Elder Baldwin

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